Extended Wheel Protection | Standard
Coverage Explanation:
The Extended Wheel Protection applies to the original purchaser and covers any wire, standard steel, Rocket Brand, or Corvette Knockoff wheel(s) meeting the conditions set forth that becomes unserviceable or incurs damage due to an impact, road debris, pothole or other damage caused by a road hazard and not listed under exclusions. Product will be repaired or replaced at the discretion of Coker Tire with the same product or in some cases a similar product, if the same product in not available. As part of this, Coker Tire will pay FedEx ground charges to recover and replace wheel(s). This service contract is good for five (5) years from date of purchase.
Limitations of Liability:
This is not a warranty. Coker Tire makes no representations that your wheel cannot fail or become unserviceable. Extended Wheel Protection Plan provides limited replacement of the wheel(s). Coker Tire's only liability is to repair or replace the wheel. Coker Tire is not responsible for mounting, balancing or any other incidental or consequential damages.
Damage of any kind caused by the following is not covered: fire, theft, vandalism, abuse, collision, claims covered by insurance policy, defect of the vehicle, tire chains, misalignment, improper installation or mounting, commercial use, normal aging or other non-road hazard sources. Wheels used in any racing application or off-road use are excluded.
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