Classic European Automobile Tires
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Maybe give it another go? Using the parts finder, try Year, Make and Model under 'Shop by Vehicle', or if you know your tire size, change the first dropdown to 'Shop Tires by Size'. You can always try entering your tire size in the the Search Bar located at the top, just above the parts finder dropdowns. Most tires can be found on the site searching this way.
Try navigating to the Main Tires Category and use the filters on the lefthand side of the page (Filter By). We recommend starting with selecting your Rim Diameter to narrow the results to what fits your wheel right away. You can choose any of the products attributes to filter as you shop, but generally a good start would be Rim Diameter, then Tire Construction and Sidewall Style.

Even if you don't see what you're looking for, it might be out of stock, or inbound. We're getting several shipments each week. Call the number below to find out more, or ask about special order options available.

If you still can't find what you're looking for, or if you want some help selecting the right products for your vehicle, please give us call !
From Across the Pond
European classic cars have come on strong on American auction blocks in recent years. In particular, the Porsche marque has skyrocketed in value along with other German and the Italian makes. Ferrari has always been prized by collectors, now even certain Alfa Romeo and Fiat models have proven to be good investments, and the list of sought-after European classics is growing quickly.
As makes and models trend up and down with collectors appetites, the consistent thread in well-sold collector cars is authenticity. Restorers are finding that the more factory correct the restoration, the higher the pay day at the auction block. Coker Tire Company offers a great selection of authentic tires for European cars from the early 1900s through the late 1970s.
Shop hundreds of styles, fitments, and accessories online, or speak to one of our Tire Experts if you need assistance.