Coker Tire Cruise In -- September 29th!
August 23, 2012
Last year, we decided to hold a Cruise In event right here in Chattanooga, Tennessee. We held it in conjunction with the Coker Tire Challenge, which is our annual rally event. For a first-time effort, we did pretty good and had about 250 cars surrounding the Coker Tire complex that we affectionately call "Corkyville". Then we decided to have two Cruise In events per year, so we planned an event for April and 500 cars came out to join us! For the next Cruise In, we're hoping for even more, so come check it out on Saturday, September 29th, 2012!
That's right, we're just a little over a month away, so go ahead and make plans to join us! We close off all of the streets surrounding Coker Tire and we also reserve many of the nearby parking lots, so we have plenty of room for this event to grow! In addition to hundreds of cars, trucks and motorcycles, we'll have live music by "The Other Guys"! There are restaurants positioned very close to our Cruise In area, but we also bring in a few food vendors for more options!
One of the most fun aspects of the Coker Tire and Honest Charley Cruise In is the open house. We open all the doors to our facilities, allowing everyone to roam around and see what this place is all about. You can browse the Coker Tire lobby, or head back to see Corky's awesome collection of vehicles in his personal museum! Honest Charley Speed Shop and the Honest Charley Garage will be open for tours as well. We'll have special event T-shirts on hand, and a bunch of cool stuff to give away. You don't want to miss this event! Keep track of updates on this event by joining our Facebook Event page! Invite all of your buddies and have a good ol' time here in Chattanooga!