New and Improved Website!
May 14, 2013
We're constantly trying to improve our customers' experience with us, so it has been an ongoing process to develop our website into an-easy-to-use destination. We launched a brand new version of the Coker Tire homepage this morning, and we hope you enjoy it! It serves not only as a sales site, but we have made huge efforts to include educational bits and pieces throughout to help customers learn more about tires and wheels. When you get a few minutes, browse around the new homepage and get familiar with it.
We've also added a new "year, make, model" feature to the site, which will allow you to find the exact reproduction sizes for your classic car! We're continuing to develop our product pages to include more information, and we're always working toward making our products easily searchable so you can find what you're looking for without too much effort. As we continue to progress, please bear with us, and feel free to send us suggestions so we can make it even more user-friendly. Be sure to check out the new Coker Tire homepage, and give it a test drive!