Coker Tire Challenge Friday FUN!
September 16, 2011
We hit the road this morning at 8am and headed toward Alabama with intentions of going to Huntsville for lunch. Lots of beautiful farm land provided some cool pictures and video opportunities for the media crew, and the media crew also stopped in at the Third Base Grill for lunch....WAY better than McD's....just sayin. After lunch, we headed back East through lots of mountainous terrain, and over a few bodies of water along the way. It was a good ride with great weather, but the racers were still happy to crawl out of their cars when they arrived at Mountain Valley Farm...aka Corky's place. General talk about scores and such was common, but when the dinner bell rang, everyone hopped on the bus and headed up the hill.
Overall it was a great day of rallying...check out some of our pictures and check back for more updates tomorrow. AND DON'T FORGET!!!!! We're having our Coker Tire and Honest Charley Cruise In tomorrow night right here in Corkyville!!!
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